Sands of the Sahara
April 23 - on the edge of the Sahara very close to the border with Algeria...
Dromedaries out on display for tourists, the young one about two months old...
A nomad settlement...

and their herd of goats...
Once-abandoned Berber settlement, now being partly re-occupied by military personnel at a nearby post.
A military post - the border with Algeria is well patrolled with camera and radar surveillance.
Nearby villages make full use of the water with elaborate irrigation systems and controlled watering of different plots of land within walled-off areas...
Water is carried in tunnels, marked below by the string of stone blocks between sectors of tunneling.
And the area has been used for several movies,,,
Finally, birds have proven a bit elusive so far on this trip, but I caught this one, not yet identified, on today's outing...The following day we were back on the bikes for five successive riding days... that;s for the next post.
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